Mode Demo Ui Sistem Adalah

Mode Demo Ui Sistem Adalah

Demo Mode for the Android System UI

Demo mode for the status bar allows you to force the status bar into a fixed state, useful for taking screenshots with a consistent status bar state, or testing different status icon permutations. Demo mode is available in recent versions of Android.

Demo mode is protected behind a system setting. To enable it for a device, run:

The protocol is based on broadcast intents, and thus can be driven via the command line (adb shell am broadcast) or an app (Context.sendBroadcast).

Commands and subcommands (below) are sent as string extras in the broadcast intent. Commands are sent as string extras with key command (required). Possible values are:

Set the clock to 12:31

Set the wifi level to max

Show the satellite icon

Show the silent volume icon

Empty battery, and not charging (red exclamation point)

Hide the notification icons

Example demo controller app in AOSP

Example script (for screenshotting purposes)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Consumer electronic feature

The demo mode (short for "demonstration mode", also sometimes mentioned as floor mode or kiosk mode) is a feature often found in consumer electronics. A demo mode is usually programmed into the floor model's firmware, which may be accessed by the pressing of a combination of keys and/or the launch of a program.[1][2] Demo mode is usually activated by retail stores on their consumer electronics floor models. The demo mode may also be pre-enabled on the floor model.[3] The purpose of a demo mode is threefold:

The central idea behind a demo mode is in-store advertising, preview or premiere of the product.

The mode itself is often present in the consumer electronics's system as a mode or a hidden file. It is not always present, but when it is, it is used in the floor models. The demo mode can be disabled ("unlocked") or enabled.[4][5] The demo mode is present in phones, microwaves, TVs and other consumer electronics. The demo mode may also be available as a video or mode (like on the Sony Ericsson W610i), which can also be used as a placeholder when there's no SIM card installed. The demo mode may not be installed at all in the actual product, only as a floor model exclusive.

The demo mode itself may be a small video showing the features of the phone or a special version of the operating system (like on the PlayStation 3). The demo mode may also be unlocked or removed from the system by the user if that is allowed by the system without any intervention (like Android rooting or iOS jailbreaking). The demo mode may also be a core of the system, where removing it may break the system, in which case it should be "unlocked."

Pengaturan Mode Demo memungkinkan Anda menyempurnakan ikon di bilah status perangkat.Perhatikan bahwa ini memerlukan pemberian izin DUMP dan WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS kepada aplikasi ini. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan adb (Anda dapat menggunakan skrip ini atau dengan akses root.Gratis, Anda dapat menyembunyikan ikon notifikasi dan mengubah level baterai. Dengan pembelian dalam aplikasi kecil, Anda dapat membuka kunci semua pengubah yang tersedia di Pengaturan Mode Demo.Perhatikan bahwa tidak semua perangkat mendukung semua perilaku ikon.Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang Mode Demo di Android, lihat

Fungsi [Mode Demo] akan menampilkan film yang disimpan di kartu memori secara otomatis (demo), bila kamera tidak dioperasikan selama waktu tertentu. Biasanya, pilih [Nonaktif].

Aktif: Demo pemutaran film akan dimulai secara otomatis jika produk tidak dioperasikan selama satu menit. Hanya film AVCHD terproteksi yang akan diputar. Atur mode tampilan ke [Lihat AVCHD], dan proteksi file film dengan tanggal dan waktu perekaman terlama.

Nonaktif: Tidak menampilkan demo.

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